SRINAGAR: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today inaugurated two days district level Seminar on Bee-keeping in district Srinagar.
The programme was organised by Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare department Kashmir under National Bee and Honey Mission (NBHM) and was attended by Joint Director Inputs, Joint Director Extension, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Apiculture Development Officer Srinagar, Bee Keepers, Farmers, Unemployed youth and other stakeholders.
Speaking at the inaugural session, the Director Agriculture marked the importance of bee-keeping as a complimentary source to the overall income of the farmers. He said that it is encouraging that a large number of youth is taking bee-keeping as a main venture to earn income and livelihood.
Director asked the educated youth of the region to come forward and take benefit from the programme and schemes by the department for the promotion of bee-keeping and other allied activities.
He said that the development of a bee-keeping special project under a holistic agriculture development programme has been approved by the government. He said that bee-keeping as an off-farm activity has a potential of employment generation due to wide agro-climatic diversity enabling round the year bee-flora available.