Dir Horticulture presides Gram Sabha at Lolab


SRINAGAR: Director Horticulture Kashmir, G. R. Mir presided over a special Gram Sabha meeting today at Panchayat Halqa Chandigam-A Lolab, Kupwara as Prabhari Officer.

The meeting was held in connection with the approval and finalization of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), 2023-24. 

The meeting was attended by all the panchayat members besides the representatives of line departments and local people. 

During the meeting, the proposed ‘Gram Panchayat Development Plan’ (GPDP) for the year 2023-24 was thoroughly discussed and approved. Additionally, the action plan for MGNREGA 2023-24 was also discussed.

After the conclusion of the meeting, Dir expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the members of the Gram Panchayat, officers, and local residents for their active participation and engagement throughout the meeting. 

He stressed on the significance of the Gram Panchayat members, officers, and local residents’ participation in the decision-making process for their respective panchayats. Their involvement can lead to better decisions and outcomes, as all stakeholders’ opinions and needs are considered.

Later, he visited the Fruit Plant Nursery at Base Station Chougal, Handwara, where he assessed the progress of various developmental activities and discussed the management practices being implemented in detail. He further urged the staff to prioritize the production of top-quality planting material while instructing them to expedite the spraying, fertilizer application, and other nursery operations.