Dheeraj Gupta reviews Safai Mitra activities and progress of CWBP and CWAP


SRINAGAR: Principal Secretary, Housing and Urban Development Department, Dheeraj Gupta today chaired a meeting with senior officers in order to review the Safal Mitra activities to be taken by the Urban Local Bodies under SBM-U in Jammu and Kashmir at Civil Secretariat Srinagar.

The meeting was attended by Mission Director, SBM-U, Director Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir, Chief Engineer, UEED and other senior officers. Officers from Jammu attended the meeting through video conferencing.

The meeting held threadbare discussions on the key Initiatives of MOHUA 1 and MoHUA 2 which include Nomination of RSA at all districts, One Sanitation Response Unit (SRU) in all Municipal Corporations and 1 SRU in a Districts, Preparation of Safai Mitra Suraksha and Garima-equivalent policies/guidelines, empanelment of Private Sanitation Service Operators (PSSOs), Enumeration and training of core sanitation workers (municipal employed & private), Access to low-cost equipment through GeM portal and procurement strategy on cluster basis, Safai Suraksha challenge.

Principal Secretary directed the officers for empanelment of all PSSOs on the registration portal within 45 days and said that all the unregistered PSSOs will be barred from providing services. He also directed the officers to regular meetings on weekly basis to remove bottlenecks, if any, in the timely implementation of schemes and programmes.

The Mission Director, SBM-U gave a Power Point Presentation during the meeting highlighting the Action Plan for ULBs which included mechanisation and manpower related interventions.

In another meeting, Principal Secretary reviewed the progress of City Water Balance Plan (CWBP) and City Water Action Plan (CWAP) of various ULBs of Jammu and Kashmir for AMRUT 2.0.

The Chief Engineers of Jal Shakti Department Jammu/ Kashmir and Chief Engineer UEED were directed to submit City Water Balance Plan (CWBP) within two days and City Water Action Plan (CWAP) within a week so that the action plan is approved on time. He also directed them to submit a consolidated priority list of projects of all the ULBs to be taken up under AMRUT 2.0 in Water Supply and Sewerage & Septage Sectors. He further directed the officers to keep focus on the universal coverage so that all the households receive the benefits of the schemes.

The meeting was attended by Director, Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir/ Jammu, Chief Engineer, Jal Shakti Department, Kashmir/ Jammu, Chief Engineer, J&K UEED and other officers. The Jammu based officers attended the meeting through Video conferencing.