DG IMPARD reviews arrangements for upcoming regional conference


SRINAGAR: Director General, Institute of Management, Public Administration & Rural Development (IMPARD), Saurabh Bhagat today took stock of the arrangements made in view of upcoming regional conference on “Bringing Citizens and Government Closer- Through Administrative Reforms” to be held from 16th of this month.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of different line departments including those from GAD, Information, IT, ARI & Trainings, Motor Garages, Floriculture, Hospitality & Protocol, Tourism and Economics & Statistics departments.

The DG impressed upon the officers to work in close coordination and liaise with the concerned coordinating officers from IMPARD to finalize the arrangements to be made for the event. He reiterated that each of the department should work on their deliverables from today itself. He enjoined upon them to plan well ahead and culminate all the arrangements at their end within the deadline.

It was given in the meeting that the 2-day conference is going to highlight the administrative reforms taken by the government during the past few years. It was made out that the conference is going to sensitize the young officers about the reforms and measures taken in bringing the administration at the doorsteps of the people.

The meeting was also informed that during this conference the innovative reforms taken by PM-Awardee officers would be projected for replication for others. Besides the conference would  dealt upon other initiatives for minimizing the gap between people and government functionaries, as was deliberated in the meeting.

The conference is scheduled to be attended by Manoj Sinha, Lieutenant Governor; Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office, on the inaugural day of the conference. V. Srinivas, Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), GoI and other central officers are going to attend the conference during these 2 days. More than 200 delegates from UT administration and other officers are also going to attend this conference.

The conference is jointly organized by DARPG, GoI and J&K IMPARD on the theme “Bringing Citizens and Government Closer- Through Administrative Reforms”. A special session on “Innovations in J&K” is also being featured during this conference.

It was revealed that during the conference exhibition on best practices by core departments is going to be organised alongside this conference. Many of the central government officers and thise from UT are scheduled to give presentations on the occasion.