DG Horticulture visits South Kashmir


SRINAGAR: The Director General (DG) Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today extensively toured South Kashmir to take stock of availability of Horticulture Mineral Oil (HMO) and inspect warehouses located in South Kashmir particularly in Shopian District.

The visit was conducted in the backdrop of a campaign of controlling the sale/distribution of spurious and unauthorized pesticides and Horticulture Mineral Oil in the valley.

During the inspection about 13600 liters of HMO was found stocked in contravention of the provisions of The Insecticides Act, 1968 and rules made thereafter. Taking cognizance of this, notices under relevant sections of The Insecticides Act, 1968 were issued to stop the distribution, sale and use of the said stock.

Speaking on the occasion, the DG said that the Department will ensure that the supply, dumping and distribution of Tree Spray Oil (TSO)/Horticulture Mineral Oil (HMO) will not take place from those agencies which are not duly authorized/registered with the Central Insecticides Board.

He also instructed field agencies of the department to keep a close vigil on the sale of Pesticides and HMO, so that a farmer is saved from damage.

He also informed that the Department is going to organize a Horti-spring festival-2022 w.e.f. 21/03/2022 at Centre of Excellence, Zawoora which will last upto 15th of April, 2022.