DECC conducts one day job fair, awareness program at Udhampur


UDHAMPUR: The District Employment & Counselling Centre Udhampur today organized a one-day Job Fair cum Awareness Programme in its office complex. 

Several companies like i.e Narayana Hospital (SMVD)/RVS Informatics IT Pvt. Ltd, Hotel Industry Katra,/M/SI.I.L Battal Ballian/M/S Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. , LIC of India, SBI Life/M/S Star Health & Allied Insurance Co Ltd. participated in the Job fair.

More than 150 unemployed youth from all corners of Udhampur participated in the Job Fair.

Anshuman Singh, Deputy Director Employment Udhampur impressed upon the youth to avail the opportunity of Job Fair and reap the benefit of the different self-employment schemes run by the different departments. He informed the participants that the Employment Department has decided to organize such fairs quarterly. On the spot registration of unemployed youth on JK Employment and NCS Portal was also done.