DDC Kupwara inaugurates Panchayat Ghar Bakiaker, Monabal, Bandi; listens public issues


KUPWARA: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kupwara, Imam Din today conducted an extensive tour of various areas of Handwara sub division and inaugurated various Panchayat Ghars and heard day to day issues of the people. 

During the visit, Imam Din inaugurated Panchayat Ghar at Bakiaker in presence of DDC Member, Rajwar, Suliman Mir; ADC Handwara, Nazir Ahmad Mir, officers and local people. 

Speaking at the occasion, Imam Din congratulated the people for getting the Panchayat Ghar inaugurated. He said the Panchayat Ghar will prove beneficial for the people in getting their developmental issues resolved in a better way.

It was informed that the Panchayat Ghar was completed at a cost of Rs.4.11 lakh.

The DDC Kupwara was also informed through a detailed PowerPoint presentation about the upcoming project of Solid & Liquid Resource Management (SLRM) unit at Bakiaker which has been already approved at a cost of Rs. 49.37 lakh. 

On the occasion, a threadbare discussion was held regarding the equipment development of the unit. 

Later, the DDC Kupwara inaugurated Panchayat Ghar Monabal and Panchayat Ghar Bandi in presence of DDC Member Mawar, Khurshid Ahmad; BDC Chairperson, Tahir Ahmad, officers and PRIs. 

On the occasion, Imam Din convened separate public interaction meetings in each Panchayat Ghar and heard the day to day issues of the local people.     

Speaking on the occasion, Imam Din congratulated the people for getting better facilities in the shape of beautiful Panchayat Ghars and impressed upon all to use the assets in the best interest of the local people.

Referring to the employment avenues, the DDC said that a Panchayat wise list of qualified youth is being sought across the district so that the Government would frame different self employment plans to create livelihood opportunities for the unemployed educated youth.  

During the visit, the DDC Kupwara inaugurated the Marriage Hall at Haril. 

Earlier, the DDC Kupwara inspected the Health and Wellness centre Monabal and checked the attendance of the hospital staff.

During the day-long visit, the DDC Kupwara heard various public delegations and heard their local developmental issues.