DDC Anantnag reviews functioning of RDD


ANANTNAG: District Development Commissioner (DDC) Anantnag, Dr Piyush Singla reviewed the functioning of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, status of works under MGNREGA, 14TH FC, District CAPEX, SBM and PMAY at Dak  Bungalow, Khanabal.

At the outset, DDC, Dr Singla said that the RD & PR department is an example of participative grassroot democracy. He said that with the three tier panchayati raj system in place, the works being undertaken by the department have been chosen by the people themselves and as such would be instrumental in resolving grievances at the grassroot level. He emphasized that timely execution of the works is essential to demonstrate that the wishes of the people are being translated into development.

He said that all the blocks must ensure that works are completed as per projected timelines. He took strong note of below par expenditure in some blocks and warned the concerned BDOs and AEs of disciplinary action in case of unnecessary delay in execution. He also said that in case works have been allotted and contractors are delaying execution, legal action should be initiated immediately.

Prior to this, ACD Anantnag informed the chair that under MGNREGA, more than 30 lac person days have been generated during the present fiscal. He further said that to breed transparency and accountability into the system, more than 7450 assets have been geotagged. Aadhaar seeding of almost all the job card holders has been completed to ensure transparent direct cash transfer as per statutory wage rate.

Under District CAPEX, more than 400 works have been completed in the present year and an almost equal number is under execution and nearing completion. 2146 houses have been physically and financially completed under PMAY G and Non SECC lists are being filtered so that genuine beneficiaries can benefit from the scheme.

Under SBM, more than 91000 IHHL points have been completed till date and the focus is on updating the financial status. The DDC stressed that updation must be taken up on priority.

The participants apprised the chair regarding some land issues, legal disputes that were disrupting execution of works and directions were issued for taking up the same with concerned quarters.

The meeting was attended by ADDC, CPO, DPO, Ex En REW, BDOs, DTO, AEs and JEs.