DC Udhampur reviews arrangements for Annual Shiv Parvati Moungri mela


UDHAMPUR: The arrangements for the smooth conduct of three  day historic Annual Shiv- Parvati Shrine (Moungri) mela, commencing on May 14, 2024  at Sar Dabber, were discussed today here at a meeting of District Officers besides representatives of management committee of Lord Shiv –Parvati cave shrine Moungri.

The meeting was chaired by Deputy Commissioner, Saloni Rai here in the Conference Hall of DC Office Complex here.

Threadbare discussions were held on various issues  for   smooth conduct of the mela like maintenance of road, Security, Sanitation, Healthcare, Transport facility, Drinking water and power supply, market rate checking, deployment of Fire tenders, Cultural program and sports activities etc.

The DC directed the concerned officers to ensure all arrangements pertaining to their respective departments well in advance and in an effective manner leaving no scope for any complaint from any quarter.

Executive Engineer PHE was asked to make adequate arrangements for drinking water supply at the mela site while Xen PDD was directed to provide uninterrupted power supply during the mela.

Executive Engineers PMGSY and PWD were directed to ensure timely filing of  potholes and completion of  repair of the road. It was decided that District Police would deploy adequate security personnel during mela days, while ARTO was asked to deploy a sufficient number of buses from different locations.

Regarding provision of medical facilities at the mela site, the DC directed the Chief Medical Officer to deploy a team of doctors and an ambulance for the same. It was also decided that the Youth Services & Sports department, in coordination with the Education department, will organize cultural and sports events at the venue.

President, J&K Indian Style wrestling Association cum patron in chief Shiv Parvati caves Shrine Moungri Development board, Shiv Kumar Sharma apprised the meeting that a wrestling competition will also be organized on the last  day of mela which is one of the main attractions of the three-day event.