DC Srinagar reviews Revenue matters and Public Service delivery mechanism


Digitization of public services has led to inclusion and better access for all the citizens: DC Srinagar

SRINAGAR: To review the functioning of Revenue Department and take Tehsil wise appraisal about Revenue related public services delivery system in the District, a meeting was held today under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner (DC), Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad here at Meeting Hall of the DC Office Complex.

Besides, Regional Director Survey and Land Records, Nazir Ahmad Khawaja and Additional Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, Syed Shabir Ahmad the meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner (Revenue), SDM East, all Tehsildars, All Naib Tehsildars, officers of Regional Directorate Survey and Land Record and other functionaries of Revenue Department.

At the outset, the Deputy Commissioner took a detailed review and progress of all Tehsils of the District on various issues including status of Jamabandies, status of mutations, progress on digitization of Jamabandis/ Girdawari, status of migrant offline/online grievances, updation of cases on Revenue Court Cases Monitoring System (RCCMS), Online services delivery system.

 During the meeting, Tehsil wise status regarding payment of ex-gratia assistance to families of the deceased due to covid-19 was also reviewed.

While reviewing progress with regard to digitization and updation process of Jamabandies and scanning of revenue records as per the targets, the DC asked all the Tehsildars to clear pendencies and ensure proofreading and attestation of all pending Jamabandies within 10 days.

 The DC asked the concerned officers of Regional Directorate Land Record Survey to reconcile the updated/corrected copies of the Jamabandies with the respective Tehsil Offices to ensure presence of up-to-date records.

 On the occasion, the DC asked the Assistant Commissioner to monitor the progress on a daily basis so that the process is completed within set timelines.

 Similarly, the DC stressed that the cases enlisted in various Revenue Courts of Srinagar need to be exclusively processed on Revenue Court Cases Monitoring System (RCCMS) by following due procedure. He also emphasised that the proceedings of these court cases should be regularly uploaded, so that functioning of the revenue courts if effectively monitored.

With regard to disposal mechanism of grievances related to Migrant properties filed by the Kashmiri migrants in different categories offline/online, the DC was informed that till date 1895 grievances have been received by the District Administration, out of which 1676 grievances of different nature have been resolved by the Office of District Magistrate with quality disposal.

With regard to upgradation of Tehsil Offices and Nayabat Offices, the DC asked all the Tehsildars to submit estimates for upgradation of facilities at Tehsil Level to ensure better and prompt services to public.

On the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner instructed all the Tehsildars to pay special thrust on ensuring efficient and prompt delivery  of public services to their best satisfaction.

 The DC also asked them to speed up the process of fencing around the retrieved State land besides installation of board/sinages on such patches of lands.

 With regard to disbursement of ex-gratia assistance to families of the deceased due to covid-19, the DC stressed the officers that not a single genuine approved case shall remain un-attended.