DC Srinagar Chairs District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) meet on Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP)


Approves over 400 cases for establishment of Income Generating Units by progressive farmers

SRINAGAR:– In order to review the progress achieved in implementation of all components of Holistic Agriculture Development Programme(HADP) projects being covered across the District by Agriculture and allied Departments, a meeting of District Level Committee(DLC) was held under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner(DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad here today at Conference Hall of the DC Office Complex.

At the outset, the Deputy Commissioner, who is also the Chairman of District Level Implementation Committee(DLIC) approved fresh 99 cases under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme(HADP) for establishment of Income Generating Units by the 147 families (progressive farmers/beneficiaries) in Srinagar District.

 The DLIC has already approved 201 cases under HADP in the District to enhance the employment avenues for the local people associated with Agriculture and its allied sectors. 

The fresh 99 cases approved today include 22 cases under Farm Mechanization for Resource Use Efficiency in Agriculture, 02 cases under Promotion of Mushroom Cultivation,  67 cases under the component of Integrated Farming System(Crop Seed, veg Seed, Vermi Compost, Spawn of Mushroom, Beehives with Colonies & Training, 07 cases under Alternate Agriculture System for Sustainability and once case under Development Of Rain fed Areas. 

During the meeting, the DC also took a detailed review of all the line Departments about the implementation of HADP in the District through the PowerPoint presentations made by Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Sericulture etc. 

The DC also took first hand appraisal about the progress regarding achievement of targets and sensitizing farmers about new interventions approved under the HADP to ensure that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries under the programme. 

 The DC was informed that against the target of 500 cases, Agriculture has achieved the mark of 300 cases, Sheep Husbandry achieved full target of 27 cases, Animal Husbandry has achieved 47 cases against the target of 75 cases, Fisheries Department has touched the target of 24 cases by making it to the target. 

Similarly, Horticulture and Sericulture Departments have approved 2 cases each. The Area Marketing and Planning Department has achieved the mark of 2 cases against the target of 08 cases.   

During the meeting, the DC was apprised that as many as 29 projects under HADP are being implemented in Srinagar District including 17 by the Agriculture Department. 

The DC was also given a detailed overview about the initiatives taken under HADP for development of seed and seed multiplication chain, promotion of mushroom cultivation, apiculture, vegetables/ exotic vegetables under open and hi-tech protected cultivation, alternate agriculture system for sustainability, promotion of oil seeds and commercial cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants.

 The progress with regard to innovative approaches in Agriculture Extension, Promotion of Commercial Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Promotion of Commercial Floriculture were also discussed threadbare. 

Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said that the HADP initiative is a major step towards creating a sustainable and profitable Agricultural ecosystem. He said the programme aims to empower farmers with knowledge and tools that can help them enhance their productivity and profitability while also contributing to the overall growth of the Agriculture sector. 

The DC further said that the programme also provides a platform to the farmers to interact with experts from the Agricultural and allied Departments and seek their advice on various aspects of farming, besides enhancing agricultural productivity, improve livelihoods, and contribute to the overall economic growth.

 The DC also stressed the experts to connect with research and adapt best practices by implementing them from laboratory to farm.

 He said one of the key features of the HADP is its provision of a platform for farmers to engage with experts from the Agricultural and allied Departments to seek expert guidance on various aspects of farming, enabling them to improve their Agricultural practices. By adopting such a multifaceted approach, the HADP aims to elevate agricultural productivity, enhance livelihoods, and make substantial contributions to the region’s broader economic growth.

While appreciating the efforts of the Officers of Agriculture and allied Departments for achieving targets under HADP, the DC stressed them to work in close coordination and reach out the farmers of far-flung areas and make them aware about the latest farm technologies in the Agriculture sector.

The meeting was attended by General Manager DIC, Chief Planning Officer, Assistant Commissioner Development, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Horticulture Officer, Deputy Registrar Cooperatives, District Sheep Husbandry Officer, District Manager NABARD, District Sericulture Officer, Assistant Director Fisheries, Area Marketing Officer HP&M, District Officer, Lead District Manager and other concerned Officers.