DC Shopian reviews progress of PMFME scheme


SHOPIAN: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya today convened a review meeting to assess progress on Prime Minister’s Formalization of Micro Food Enterprises (PMFME) scheme besides taking stock of disbursal of Agriculture Infrastructure Development Fund (AIDF).

          The DC stressed that the purview of ‘One District One Product’ could be relaxed in case any entrepreneur wants to collaborate to boost production and marketing of any of the identified products. 

          He asked for holding a district level meeting between the officers of Agriculture and Horticulture, Area Marketing Officers and respective officers within a week’s time. He also directed for prompt uploading of well formatted project reports and directed officers to go through each project report and cross check all details therein.

          The DC stressed that the schemes have been formulated for promotion of food processing and allied activities and asked the departments to highlight the schemes through various platforms of print, electronic and social media. 

          Meanwhile, the setting up of new infrastructure and transfer of existing infrastructure between various departments was also discussed in the meeting.

          Pertinently, the PM FME is aimed at establishing Micro Food Processing Industries at Micro/Village level through individuals, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Cooperatives and Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs). Under the programme, 35 per cent subsidy/capital support with a ceiling of Rs 10 lakh is being provided to the beneficiaries. 

          Later, DC had a detailed review regarding disbursal of loans under AIDF which has been approved by the Central Government to facilitate formal credit to farm and farm processing- based activities which in return will create several job opportunities in rural areas.   

          Among others, ADDC, Shopian, Manzoor Hussain; ADC, Shopian, Mushtaq Ahmed Simnani; General Manager, DIC, Tanveer Ahmed; Chief Agriculture Officer, Farooq Ahmed; Chief Horticulture Officer, Mohammad Ramzan; President Fruit Growers Association, Shopian, Mohammad Amin and other officers participated in the meeting.