DC reviews working of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies in Udhampur District


UDHAMPUR: To review the functioning of PACS (Primary Agriculture Credit Societies), Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur Sachin Kumar Vaishya today chaired the maiden meeting of District Cooperative Development Committee (DCDC).

Threadbare discussions were held on various aspects including the   adoption of model bye laws by all 39 PACS, Hardware purchase and finalizing system integrator for computerization, District wise targets for establishing new multipurpose PACS, PMKSK , Formulation of FPOs by PACS, Identification of PACS for convergence with PM -KUSUM scheme, PACS as Common Service Centre, Jan Aushadi Kendra for improving access to generic medicines at Rural level etc.

A slew of directions were issued to the concerned departments to facilitate the revival of the Cooperative Movement with the establishment of vibrant PACSs. He directed the concerned departments to work out a plan and convene the DCDC meeting again  within the next 15 days.

Among others, District Panchayat Officer, Dr Manmeet Kumar; Deputy Registrar Cooperatives,  Priyanka Sharma; Chief Agriculture Officer, Sanjay Anand; AD FCS & CA , DDM NABARD and other officers attended the meeting.