DC Reasi inspects progress of work on Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway


REASI: Deputy Commissioner, Reasi Vishesh Paul Mahajan today conducted an extensive tour-cum-inspection of the works being executed on the Domail-Katra section of Delhi-Amritsar-Katra. (DAK) Expressway. 

The Project Director, NHAI Udhampur, Anuj Kumar Singh, gave a detailed overview of the works in execution in all the chainages of the project in the jurisdiction of District Reasi. The Deputy Commissioner, Reasi was informed that the project is being executed strictly in accordance with the Code of the specifications and standards of Expressway. Other senior officers of the NHAI & M/S APCO- the concessioner also accompanied the Deputy Commissioner, during the inspections.

The Deputy Commissioner passed  instructions to NHAI authorities to speed-up the execution of work by way of enhancing the manpower and pressing in advanced and high- tech machinery. He further instructed the NHAI to start operating the third shift to cover-up the time and the progress  lost during the earlier stages of execution.

During the inspection and interaction with various stakeholders, the DC instructed the executing agency to ensure that the flow of traffic on the existing road is not hampered in any way. On spot instructions were also issued for installation of road crash barriers at vulnerable and black spots for the safety and security of the road users.

Highlighting the importance of the Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway, the Deputy Commissioner called upon the executing authorities to ensure that no unnecessary in-convenience is caused either to the pilgrims visiting Holy shrine or to the daily local commuters.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Katra, Deepak Dubey, who also accompanied the Deputy Commissioner, during the tour, was advised to keep a close watch on the execution of this vital part of the Expressway and sort out the issues, if any and as and when they arise. Later in the day, after the inspection was over, the Deputy Commissioner reviewed the physical and financial progress of the project.