DC Kupwara reviews Seva Pakhwada under Ayushman Bhava campaign


KUPWARA: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan today chaired a meeting of officers to review Seva Pakhwada under  Ayushman Bhava campaign.

During the meeting, CMO Kupwara, Dr. Ramzan briefed the chair through a detailed PowerPoint presentation about the action plan under all three components of the campaign; Ayushman Apke Dwar 3.0, Ayushman Sabhas and Ayushman Melas.

He apprised that Ayushman Melas have been held in all 10 Health blocks of the district Kupwara in which more than 10,000 persons have been screened for various ailments. 

The DC impressed upon all the officers to ensure successful conduct of Ayushman Melas and other programmes. She stressed upon the officers to ensure that requisite arrangements are in place well in advance for meaningful conduct of Ayushman Melas and Sabhas.

She also instructed the concerned officers that Panchayat Secretaries, officials of CAPD, AWWs, ASHAs PRIs, Lumbardars and  Chowkidars  should be roped in for mass mobilization of people to participate  in the Ayushman Sabhas/ Melas so that every individual gets benefitted from helath care schemes.

The DC directed ACD Kupwara to add the Ayushman Bhava campaign in the agenda points of October 2nd Gramsabha so that the Panchayat wise Ayushman Bhava campaign gets  due coverage.

She also directed DTO Kupwara to increase the outreach programe for tuberculosis screening and stressed to achieve the Presumptive TB testing target of 30 per 1000 population in every Panchayat.

The meeting was attended by JD-Planning Kupwara, ACD Kupwara,  CMO, District Information Officer, DSWO,  DTO, MS- DH Handwara, MS- SDH Kupwara,  all the  BMOs and AD Food.