DC Chairs District TB Control Society meeting; Reviews Routine Immunization status


98% testing of suspected patients conducted in Erstwhile Doda district: DTO  

DODA: Deputy Commissioner Doda Vishesh Paul Mahajan, who is also Chairman District Tuberculosis Control Society for erstwhile District Doda (Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban) today chaired a meeting of District TB Forum (District TB Control Society) meeting to assess the community engagement, interventions and community led TB response here in his office at DC office Doda.

District Tuberculosis Officer, Dr Guljabeen Ara gave a detailed presentation highlighting the status of progress in Presumptive TB Testing, TB Notification rate, implementation of Nikshay Poshan and Nikshay Mitra under Pradhan Mantri TB Mukht Bharat Abhiyan (PMTBMBA) in the district. She informed that the free diagnosis, testing, and follow up check ups of the patients is carried out properly and timely in the district. Erstwhile District Doda has achieved 69% of the target in case of TB notification, and 98% in testing of the suspected patients. Action taken on the decisions of the previous meeting of District TB Control Society was also discussed.

The DC directed to accelerate the TB elimination activities through a focused approach, especially in areas where TB cases are relatively higher (Hot Beds). It was impressed upon all the stakeholders to ensure contact tracing of all the active Pulmonary TB patients.

The BMOs were made personally responsible for testing the suspected cases from general OPD in all their health care institutions and report to CMO on a weekly basis.

The DC desired from the concerned officers to treat the patients diagnosed for TB with utmost care in all the health care institutions of our district. He stressed on accelerating IEC activities and testing of the suspects, especially in rural areas against the disease, extensively. The DC also reviewed Routine Immunization in the District.

The Dy CMO gave a detailed presentation on the component wise and block wise status of achievements in Routine Immunization and COVID-19 vaccination. It was given out that the district has achieved more than 120% under the MR-1 (Routine Immunization)

The DC appreciated the progress/ status of BCG, bOPV, fIPV, Hep B, MR, Penta, RVV, and PCV Immunization in the District.

The Deputy Commissioner enjoined upon the DPO ICDS, CMO, CEO and other stakeholders to work in close coordination to make the Routine Immunization programme successful in the District. He asked to put in extra measures to ensure that no children in the district are left out in the process of routine immunization.

Deputy Commissioner reiterated that the delivery of quality healthcare to the last mile has been accorded top priority, and the health department in the district has to ensure that anybody in need of medical services is catered to in time.

The meeting was attended by ADDC Doda Pran Singh, DPO ICDS Doda Shahida Parveen, CPO Doda Suresh Kumar, CMO Doda Dr Yaqoob Mir, CEO Doda, District TB Officer Dr Guljabeen Ara, District Immunization Officer/ DTO Dr Versha Sharma, All BMOs, besides, other officers of Health and Medical Education Department.