CUK Celebrates Teachers Day; organises one day national seminar


GANDERBAL: School of Education, Central University of Kashmir (CUK) organized a day-long National Seminar on “Transformative Teaching: Navigating the Pedagogical Landscape under NEP-2020” on the eve of Teachers Day here in Main Campus, Tulmulla, Ganderbal on Tuesday.

Teachers Day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of Independent India from 1962 to 1967. 

Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor, CUK, Prof. A. Ravinder Nath said that Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher, politician and a statesman of great stature. In the light of goals of education set forth in National Education Policy-2020, Prof. Nath emphasized that, “acquisition of knowledge and skills is not enough but needs to be accompanied by the right attitude and values. Self-effort on the part of students and teachers has to be the part of their attitude towards their line of duty”. Prof. Nath also said that, “The existing society is facing a lot of challenges and the same were conceptualized in terms of ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ which need to be addressed through quality education”. “The aims and objectives of NEP-2020 for teacher education in particular is a fitting response to the sentiments of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya – the two great visionaries of the contemporary education system in the country”, Prof Nath said.

Prof. Sudhakar Venukapalli ̧ former Dean, School of English Language Education, English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad, in his keynote address said that “The existing idea of education has been reduced to ‘learning of skills’ which ultimately transforms learners into commodities ready to be exploited by market-driven forces”. Prof. Venukapalli further said that, “we need to question the growing influence of western thought and culture in our educational institutions and try to promote the true character of education with special reference to realization of goals associated with divinity, spirituality and enlightenment”. 

Registrar, CUK, Prof. Mohammad Afzal Zargar, in his special address said that, “Celebration of Teachers’ Day is a great opportunity for expressing gratitude to those who were instrumental in shaping our lives. It also provides an opportunity for teachers to think about their share of responsibilities in guiding students towards their rightful destinations”. He further emphasized

that, “today’s teachers need to discharge their duties as counsellors, guides, mentors, social connectors and active agents in community welfare initiatives and activities”.

Dean, Business Studies, CUK, Prof. Fayaz Ahmad Nika in his address said that the mistake committed by a doctor is buried, the mistake committed by an engineer is cemented but, the mistake committed by a teacher is reflected back in the society”. He also said that, “a great teacher is inspirational in character. Being a role model for his/her students the teacher has to be sensitive and cautious in his/her line of duty”.

Academic Consultant, CUK, Prof. Parveen Pandit talked about various roles and responsibilities of teachers and teacher educators with special reference to the agenda set forth in National Education Policy 2020.

Prof. Nighat Basu, in her inaugural address spoke about the qualities and characteristics of a great teacher and the message inherent in the life and contribution of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Earlier in the day, Dean, SoE, CUK, Prof. Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani delivered the welcome address. In his remarks, he emphasised the role of recently launched 4-years duration long Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) in CUK, in attracting young talent from

various parts of the country towards the profession of teaching. 

This one-day national seminar was coordinated by Assistant Professor, Dr. Firdous Ahmad Sofal. The inaugural Session was moderated by Sr. Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Syed Bhat and the formal vote of thanks was proposed by Assistant Professor, T. Arun Christopher. The inaugural session was followed by two offline business sessions wherein various scholars, students and faculty presented their papers.