Constitution Day celebrated at IUST


Awantipora: The Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora
celebrated Constitution Day today wherein the faculty, non teaching staff and students
participated with zeal and enthusiasm. The session was presided over by Prof. Naseer Iqbal,
Registrar IUST and coordinated by Dr. Anisa Jan, Dean Students IUST.

On this occasion, many activities were organized that include Recitation of Preamble by
members, quiz programs on the Indian Constitution and addresses by Prof. Naseer Iqbal, Dr.
Anisa Jan and Dr Akhter Hussain Khan, IUST faculty and members from IUST Student

Prof. Naseer Iqbal encouraged the students and faculty members to read the Constitution and be knowledgeable citizens. He said that every right comes with a responsibility and we need to understand our responsibilities also along with the understanding of the rights.

Dr Anisa Jan, Dean of Students said that unive rsities being the highest seat of learning have
a responsibility to sensitise the citizens of country regarding their rights as well as their duties as prescribed by the constitution and this day holds special significance in this direction.

Dr. Akhter Hussain Shah spoke at length about the history of the Constitution, its importance
and presented a background about the various parts and articles of the Constitution.