China, Bhutan agree to speed up border talks


NEW DELHI: China and Bhutan have agreed to increase the frequency of discussions of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the China-Bhutan Boundary Issues to ensure rapid progress.

This was decided at the 12th EGM on the China-Bhutan Boundary Issues held on Wednesday and Thursday in Thimphu, Bhutan. The two sides also agreed to hold the 25th Round of China-Bhutan Boundary Talks as soon as possible on mutually convenient dates.

“During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the positive consensus reached at the 11th EGM in Kunming, China, and held frank and constructive discussions to take forward the implementation of the Three-Step Roadmap on speeding up border negotiations between the two countries,” said a Chinese readout of the meeting.

Of the 14 countries sharing their land borders with China, 12 have settled their boundaries. Of the two standouts, Bhutan is currently engaged in resolving its boundary with China, while India’s issue in this regard is stalemated.

The 11th EGM was held in Kunming from January 10 to 13. At both the 12th and 11th EGM, the Bhutanese delegation was led by Dasho Letho Tobdhen Tangbi, Secretary of the International Boundaries of Bhutan, and the Chinese delegation was led by Hong Liang, Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

“The two sides agreed to push forward the implementation of all the steps of the Three-Step Roadmap. The two sides also agreed to increase the frequency of the Expert Group Meeting and to keep contact through diplomatic channels,” said a Bhutanese readout.