Chairman SIDBI appreciates efforts of IUST towards establishing effective Industry


AWANTIPORA: Islamic University of Science and Technology today signed MoU with Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu.

The MoU Signing Ceremony was attended by Sivasubramanian Ramann, (Chairman & Managing Director SIDBI),  Prof. Shakil A Romshoo, Vice Chancellor IUST S. S. Acharya (Chief General Manager, SIDBI), S. P. Singh (Chief General Manager, SIDBI), Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur (Director IIP Jammu), Dean Research, Dean Academic Affairs,  Director CIED, Registrar, Finance officer, representatives of  Consulting agency Grant Thorton Bharat LLP, besides other officers from the university, SIDBI and IIT Jammu.

Speaking on the occasion, Siva Subramanian Ramann congratulated IUST for having established an impactful connection with the industry and said that the ecosystem would help transfer of practical knowledge to the budding industrialists.

He promised help for further enriching the entrepreneurship ecosystem and recommended identification of areas for intervention to strengthen the MSME sector. Pertinently, SIDBI is the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of micro-, small and medium enterprise (MSME) in India.

Prof. Shakil A Romshoo, Vice Chancellor IUST said that universities have a critical role to play for nourishing innovation and entrepreneurial spirit among the youth urged the need for collaboration among different institutions to accelerate entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country in order to realize the goals envisioned under “AmritKaal”. He outlined the skilling initiatives taken at IUST especially in the areas of high demand such as Photovoltaics, Electrical Vehicles, Green energy etc. to ensure employability of youth and said that IUST will be skilling 3200 youth in Kashmir under the PMKVY 4.0.

Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur hoped that IUST-IIT collaboration would promote innovation culture in the country and facilitate the exchange of ideas to find solutions to the problems of societal concern.

 Dean Research IUST Prof. Moon gave a detailed presentation highlighting the achievements of CIED and recognition of its efforts and also shared the future plan. He said that the two guiding principles behind the establishment of CIED at IUST are the NEP 2020 and Atmanirbhar Bharat mission. He said that all the verticals of Centre have been developed to have an ‘impactful engagement’ with different stakeholders.

Director CIED, Dr Pervez coordinated the event and welcomed the guests.