Capacity building programme on Millet promotion held at Lalmandi Srinagar


SRINAGAR: A capacity building programme on millet promotion and an exhibition was held today at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi, Srinagar

Addressing the event, Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal highlighted the historical, economic and traditional importance of millets to Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the millets were cultivated by the people of Jammu and Kashmir even centuries ago but because of different reasons its cultivation declined.

He said now from the last few years the department is implementing different programmes for the promotion of Millets in the region. He said the food habits of present generations are very much health conscious. They encourage and appreciate different types of Millets in their routine foods.

Director Agriculture said that under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) a special project namely ‘Promotion of Millets and nutri-cereals’ is being implemented by the department wherein Seed minikits, demonstration trails, lands are covered under INP/IPM and Millet mills, Millet restaurants are being established by concerned agri- preneurs in different districts of the UT.

Joint Director Agriculture Inputs Jagdesh Chandra Raina, Joint Director/ Programme Co-ordinator Mushroom Sartaj Ahmad Shah, Chief Agriculture officer Srinagar Manoharlal Sharma, Chief Agriculture officer budgam syed tafazul Madhni,Chief Agriculture Officer Baramulla Yadwinder Singh Sasan, DSCO Abdul Hamid Shah,  SDAO ganderbal Arun jalal, AEO Ganderbal Barjees John were among the galaxy of speakers who express their views regarding the event.