Ban on election rallies to continue till Feb 11


New Delhi: The Election Commission (EC) today decided to extend ban on roadshows, processions, cycle/bike/vehicle rallies till February 11 in the five poll-bound states.

Some relaxations

  • Maximum persons allowed at physical rallies increased from 500 to 1,000 from Feb 1
  • For door-to-door campaigns, 20 persons, excluding security personnel, would be allowed
  • For indoor meetings, gathering of 500 persons allowed, instead of earlier 300

It, however, allowed limited relaxation in holding physical public meetings by increasing the number of attendees from the existing 500 to 1,000 or 50 per cent of the known capacity of the designated venue for all phases of the elections from tomorrow. Officials in the poll panel said Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sushil Chandra, along with Election Commissioners Rajiv Kumar and Anup Chandra Pandey, “held another comprehensive review of the present Covid-19 situation, particularly in Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh”. During the meeting, the Secretary, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, chief secretaries and the chief electoral officers of the five poll-bound states were present through virtual mode.

A senior official in the EC said, “It shall be the responsibility of the District Electoral Officer (DEO) concerned to identify and notify designated spaces for political meetings and all other restrictions, as contained in the revised broad guidelines for conduct of elections, shall continue.”

Political parties and candidates would be liable to ensure compliance of Covid-appropriate behaviour and model code of conduct during all these activities, he said.