Back to Village (B2V5) commences in 29 Panchayats of Shopian


SHOPIAN: In connection with the fifth phase of Back to Village (B2V-5) programme, 29 Prabhari/ Visiting officers today visited 29 Panchayat Halqas of district Shopian.

The fifth phase of ‘Back to Village Programme’ (B2V5) which is J&K Government’s flagship public outreach programme is aimed to connect with the rural populace and take feedback on governance issues.

The Visiting/ Prabhari Officers visited their designated panchayats, interacted with the public and undertook review of previous and current year developmental works.

Special Secretary, Department of Law, Justice and Qureshi Tariq Mehmood remained available at Panchayat Halqa, DK Pora; CEO, Tourism Dev. Authority Lolab Bangus-Drangyari, Ghulam Jeelani Zargar at Zainapora; JD, Hospitality and Protocol Kashmir, Fayaz Ahmed Fayaz at Diario and PO, ICDS Project, Srinagar, Mushtaq Ahmed Rather at Ramnagri B during the first phase of the programme in the district.

The Prabhari Officers interacted with PRIs, people of the concerned areas and took stock of developmental and other issues of public importance.

On this occasion, people raised issues and demands of public importance with the officers and provided feedback on different government schemes and programmes.

Visiting officers remained engaged in interactions with the public, PRIs and frontline officials during the day in all designated panchayats of all development blocks.

Besides other activities including field visits were conducted by the officer.

PRI including Sarpanchs, panchs and others also took part in the deliberations.

Meanwhile, Additional Deputy commissioner, Dr. Zakir Hussain Faaz and other designated nodal officers of the district administration also visited villages, participated in Back to Village programme and took stock of arrangements and proceedings of the programme.

All requisite arrangements were put in place across the district Shopian for smooth conduct of this outreach programme by the district administration Shopian.