Awareness Programme on Int’l Labour Day organized at Bhaderwah


DODA: International Labour Day, also known as May Day or International Workers’ Day, is celebrated on May 01 every year to recognize the contribution of workers in society.

The purpose of celebrating Labour Day is to honour the enormous amount of effort put in by the working class and to inform them of their rights and to safeguard them against exploitation.

An awareness programme on Labour Day was organized by the Labour and Employment Department at Industrial Estate, Dandi Bhaderwah. The participants were made aware of the various Labour Laws enacted for the protection of legal rights of the workers by the Government. The welfare schemes meant for the unorganized sector workers particularly for building and other construction workers were discussed.

The Assistant Labour Commissioner informed that the registration of construction workers is going on through online mode on website to avail the benefit of the Welfare Schemes launched by the J&K building and other construction workers welfare Board. Further the Assistant Labour Commissioner also discussed and made the participants aware about the e-shram registration on e-shram portal and  Pension Scheme launched by the Government of India for the unorganized workers like, Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Mandhan Pension Scheme and Pradhan Mantri Vyapari Maan Dhan Yojana.

Besides,  Mohammad Idrees Lone, Asstt. Labour Commissioner, Doda requested the participants to make aware the public/employers to avoid the employment of Child Labour in any occupation including domestic helper and help to make Child Labour Free society. To report the issues regarding Child Labour one can use CHILDLINE Helpline Number 1098.