Atal Dulloo reviews LSD control measures across J&K


SRINAGAR: Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department (APD), Atal Dulloo today chaired a meeting to review the measures taken for combating the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) across Jammu and Kashmir.

The meeting was attended by Secretary in APD, Special Secretary, APD, Director Finance APD, Director Animal Husbandry Jammu/Kashmir, representatives of SKUAST Jammu/Kashmir, Chief Animal Husbandry officers of all districts and other concerned officials both in person and through video conferencing.

Chairing the meeting, the ACS directed the officers that Ring Vaccination among affected animals should be carried out immediately besides more number of animals should be tested for disease. He further asked both the directors to ensure availability of required medicines in all the affected areas so that the spread can be timely tackled.

While reviewing the infrastructure put in place for spread of disease, Dulloo impressed upon the officers that the BSL-II lab at Zakura should be made functional within two days for testing of LSD samples. He also asked the Director AH Jammu to establish the BSL-II lab in collaboration with SKUAST-J in the premises of SKUAST-J within weeks time.

The ACS while discussing about other control measures impressed upon the officers to constitute provincial level Task Force with subject matter specialists from SKUAST for studying the progression of LSD in all districts of Jammu and Kashmir. He asked them that the task force will suggest the control measures/vaccination strategy to be adopted for effective control and combat of disease.

During the meeting, it was informed that till date 12831 animals have been affected with LSD, out of which nore than 80% have recovered till date. It was also informed that the APD is issuing the advisories on routine basis for the maximum awareness of farmers besides awareness camps are being held in affected villages for the timely control of disease.

The meeting was also informed that 70,000 doses of Goat Pox vaccine have been procured which are being distributed among the seriously affected districts.