Animal Husbandry Deptt  B’pora organizes Kisan Mela/ Awareness camps


BANDIPORA: As part of Jan Abhiyaan programme, the Animal Husbandry department Bandipora under the supervision of Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Bandipora, Dr. G.A. Lone today organised various awareness programmes in different panchayat halqas of Block Sumbal and Gurez.  

On the  occasion, awareness regarding different beneficiary oriented schemes viz. Integrated Dairy Development Scheme (IDDS), Integrated Poultry Development Scheme (IPDP) and Kissan Credit Card (KCC) were imparted to public in general and youth in particular.

Animal Husbandry Department Gurez  conducted Kisan mela cum  mega Awareness camp under Jan  at Kanzalwan in which farmers were given awareness regarding schemes  IDDS, IPDP, KCC, insurance and also awareness regarding various diseases in cattle.

10  KCC cases on the spot were sponsored in the camp. Pamphlets containing information regarding schemes and various diseases were also distributed among dairy farmers.

Two youth who were given training under skill development were provided kits and medicine for working in the panchyat halqa Kanzalwan.

Camp witnessed huge gatherings including women .