Dir Horticulture led team visit orchard infected areas in North Kashmir


Assesses extent of  damage caused by  infestation

SRINAGAR: A team of Horticulture Department led by Director Horticulture Kashmir, G R MIR today visited several areas in district Baramulla and Bandipora in light of reports of infestation of insects damaging the blossom in apple orchards. 

Director was accompanied by Zahoor Ahmad Bhat, Joint Director Horticulture, three other experts from the Department of Horticulture besides experts from SKUAST, Kashmir. 

The purpose of the visit was to identify and assess the extent of the damage caused by the infestation and to determine the appropriate measures that can be taken to mitigate its impact on the apple orchards.

The team inspected various affected orchards in the Kreeri area of district Baramulla and Asham area of district Bandipora and took stock of the severity of the pest.

Speaking on the occasion Director Horticulture advised the farmers never to miss any of the spray recommended by the Department & SKUAST-K. He emphasized on the orchardists to have a close liaison with the department for better management of the pest.

The experts accompanying the Director identified the insect on spot as Leaf Roller, also called fireworm. The insect damages the blossom of the apple fruit crop thus reducing fruit set and subsequent fruit yield.

The orchardists were given on spot advisory to spray Thiacloprid @ 40ml/100 litre of water or Chlorpyriphos @100 ml/100 litre of water. The Ad-hoc advisory in this regard will follow.

Director also visited the Pesticide Testing Laboratory (PTL), Kreeri and took stock of its functioning. He also visited Fruit Plant Nursery Pattan where he took stock of various developmental activities and thoroughly deliberated on all the management practices being carried out.