DDC Kishtwar flags off awareness rally on World TB Day


KISHTWAR: On World Tuberculosis Day, an impressive rally was flagged off by District Development Commissioner, Dr Devansh Yadav from the DC Office today.

An awareness campaign called “TB Harega Desh Jeetega” was promoted through an ambulance leading the rally. Students from various schools and colleges participated in the event along with teachers, police officials and staff members of DTC Kishtwar.

District Tuberculosis Officer, Dr Guljabeen Ara delivered a brief note on tuberculosis, its treatment and eradication. She discussed the importance of DOTS, MDR treatment, XDR treatment, sputum examination, X-ray findings and nutrition support under Nikshay Poshan Yojana (NTEP).

Additional District Development Commissioner, Sham Lal; Chief Medical Officer, Dr Yaqoob Mir and District Tuberculosis Officer Kishtwar Dr Guljabeen Ara were also present at the occasion.

Refreshments were provided to participants at the District Tuberculosis Centre. A vote of thanks was delivered by DTO Kishtwar on behalf of the District TB Control Society.