KU VC makes surprise visit to teaching departments, inspects classwork


SRINAGAR: Vice-Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Nilofer Khan on Monday morning made a surprise visit to a few teaching departments on the main campus to ascertain the status of classwork.

Accompanied by Dean of Academic Affairs Prof F A Masoodi, the Vice-Chancellor inspected conduct of classes at the Department of Management Studies (DMS) and the Department of Commerce.

At the MBA and IMBA blocks, the Vice-Chancellor interacted with the students and inquired from them about the time-tables and status of completion of the syllabus.  

Reiterating her directions on following the already-notified academic calendar in letter and spirit, Prof Nilofer said, “We have already issued instructions to facilitate  timely award of degrees to the students pursuing PG or research programmes in our University. In order to realise this goal, it is important to see that there is no compromise on conduct of classes as per the notified time-tables. Any laxity on this count will be unacceptable.”

The Vice-Chancellor also urged the students to focus on their studies and research dedicatedly in the larger interest of safeguarding their future academic prospects.

She also directed officials concerned to ensure regular cleanliness in and around the departments.

Notably, ever since assuming the office in May 2022, the Vice-Chancellor has been frequently inspecting the teaching departments to have a first-hand appraisal of classwork and lab-work from the students and research scholars.

Following resumption of classes on February 16 after the culmination of winter break, all Heads of Departments, Coordinators and Directors of Satellite Campuses have been instructed to follow the academic calendar without fail so that the academic engagement of students is not delayed or disrupted in any manner.