Workshop on ‘Mathematics and its Applications’ concludes at KU’s South Campus


Srinagar: A week -long workshop on ‘Mathematics and its Applications’ concluded at Kashmir University’s South Campus.

60 participants including assistant professors, research scholars and students from across the country participated in the workshop, organised by Department of Mathematics, South Campus, in collaboration with The Mathematics Consortium Pune and Kashmir Mathematical Society Srinagar.

30 technical sessions were conducted by 30 guest speakers from universities including Texas University, USA, University of South America, University of Kashmir, Kurukshetra University, Delhi University, Christ University Bangalore, Central University of Rajasthan, and Central University of Kashmir.

Dean Research KU Prof Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo presided over the valedictory session as chief guest, while Head Department of Mathematics KU Prof S Peerzada was a special guest.

Prof Nawchoo said that South Campus should conduct such collaborative workshops regularly to groom critical-thinking among young students and scholars.

In his concluding remarks, Director South Campus Dr Mukhtar Ahmad Khanday said there is a pressing need to conduct such workshops in the best interest of the students to bridge the “knowledge gap”.

Prof S Pirzada delivered a talk on ‘Fascinating Mathematics’ wherein he underscored the importance of Polyhedron and Euler’s theorem in solving various mathematical equations.

Later, certificates were also distributed among the participants.

Earlier, Sajad Ahmad presented a detailed report of the workshop at the valedictory ceremony whose proceedings were conducted by Organising Secretary and Academic Coordinator, Dr Feroz Ahmad Bhat. Dr Mohammad Iqbal presented a vote of thanks.