‘Engineers solid pillars of our society’: Director NIT Srinagar


Srinagar: To mark the National Engineers Day, Director National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar, Prof. (Dr.) Rakesh SehgaL on Thursday said engineers are the solid pillars of the society and there is need to go sustainable by creating cleaner technologies.

In his special message, Prof. Sehgal said engineers also play a role in society by building safer roads and bridges. They work to create systems that can withstand natural disasters like floods and earthquakes etc, he said.

“The purpose of this day is to celebrate the achievements of engineers and promote their contributions towards society. It provides an opportunity for engineers and other interested parties to come together and learn about each other’s work,” he said.

Prof. Sehgal said engineers play a very important role in the economic growth and advancement of a country. The day is devoted to honouring upcoming engineering trends as well as past engineering achievements, he added.

Institute’s Registrar, Prof. Syed Kaiser Bukhari said that engineers have an important role in society and are called nation builders.

“Both engineers and environmentalists can work jointly for a sustainable environment. The day aims to encourage people to appreciate the work of an engineer and acknowledge their contribution to the development of the nation, he said.

Prof. Bukhari said it is crucial to dedicate a day to the engineers of our country. Engineers have made our lives easier in a variety of ways. Every complex procedure has become simpler, and this is entirely due to our extraordinarily talented engineers, he said.

National Engineers Day is celebrated every year in India on 15 September. This day commemorates the birth anniversary of Sir Moksha Gundam Visvesvaraya, who is considered one of the greatest engineers of India.

Engineer’s Day of India marks Visvesvaraya Jayanti or the birth anniversary of the most legendary engineers in Indian history, who has left behind an incomparable legacy.