AZAN initiative fulfilling its goal of ensuring enhanced, modernized land records management


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir government has embarked on an unprecedented development trajectory with launch of several transformational initiatives in all sectors in the Union Territory.

Launch of an ambitious scheme “Aapki Zameen Aapki Nigrani” (AZAN) by Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, was one such landmark achievement of the UT administration to extend modern management system of land records besides enhancing transparency in the system.

 The AZAN initiative is successfully fulfilling its objective of ensuring a transparent, enhanced and modernized land records management system to J&K people who can now access their land records online without any hardship.

“Earlier, I had to wander from pillar to post to obtain even a single copy of my land records which was a quite cumbersome and hard task but with launch of AZAN now I can check any of my land records even while sitting at my home. Earlier, there was no such mechanism available for citizens to view or monitor the status of our revenue records online, he said while lauding the step as historic. I also extend my gratitude to J&K government for initiating the process of issuing trilingual land passbooks as a measure to fill the information vacuum and promote people’s ease of access to revenue records in Jammu and Srinagar districts” extolled Jehangir Ahmed of Bachpora.

AZAN: Land Records Information System was launched on October 22, 2021 by the LG under which the public users can now search and view copies of the Scanned data online on CIS Portal- In the words of LG, the initiative will facilitate easy online access to the Land Records System, thereby reducing manipulation of the Land Records and improving the efficiency of Revenue offices substantially.

This initiative is a part of the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) which was formally launched in the UT in April-2016.

 The first of its kind land passbook is being issued to legal owners of land in Jammu and Kashmir in Urdu, English, and Hindi languages. As a reform to further boost transparency in public dealings of the Revenue Department, a mechanism of issuing revenue passbooks to the people containing information on all their legal land possessions has been evolved and a deadline of 15th August 2022 has been set by the government for completion of the process.

As part of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, various Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities to sensitize the common masses about “Apni Zameen Apni Nigrani” Land Record Information System (LRIS) are in full swing across J&K.

During the IEC activities, hands-on-training is being given to women Self Help Group members regarding use of mobile phones to view land records on mobiles. The officers create a network of trainers at Panchayat level to further help people to access their land records.

Land Records Information System” (LRIS) is web based multi-tiered, scalable, reliable, and secure network enterprise application. The LRIS is Integrated, Geographical Information System (GIS) based decision support system to cater 24/7 services to JakLRMa agency user, state public user, special agency external user for analysis, evaluation and information of revenue records and its ancillary details like Records of Rights, Jamabandi, Girdawari, Mutation and many more.

As per NLRMP guideline, the department of Revenue and Financial Commissioner Revenue, have created a Project Management Unit in the UT to address the land records Modernization programme and subsequent management of records. The PMU has been registered as a Society and named as Jammu & Kashmir Land Records Management Agency (JaKLaRMA). The administrative and functional structure of the society is very comprehensive with inclusion of all covering departments, agencies and office within the UT. The Society is chaired by the Chief Secretary with Financial Commissioner Revenue as the chief executive.

As part of the program implementation in UT, 7.70 crore pages of revenue record and 55216 Musavi (maps) have been scanned besides establishment of 3895 Ground Control Points and development of Web-based Enterprise Geo-Information System (GIS).