Srinagar: As per the directions of Additional Chief Secretary, Health and Medical Education Shri Vivek Bhardwaj, the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir has decided to extend exclusive health care facilities to senior citizens in all district hospitals of Kashmir valley.
The decision has been taken in view of the growing old age population as the life expectancy throughout out the world has increased. So in order to provide better health care facilities to the elderly, the Additional Chief Secretary has desired to start these facilities across hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir.
In this backdrop, Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr Mushtaq Ahmed Rather, has directed to establish Geriatric Care Units at all district hospitals of Kashmir.
“We cannot fight aging. It is inevitable and normal. However, we can improvise the health care of senior citizens,” he said.
The director said there will be a separate Geriatric Care OPD that will function on every Thursday in all district hospitals of Kashmir division.
He said besides that a separate ticket counter for the elderly will be functional at all district hospitals in order to manage the patients separately.
In addition to clinical care, the directorate has also intended to hold awareness programs for senior citizens and caregivers for their overall well-being.
“We are conducting Geriatric Care workshops at JLNM Hospital for doctors, physiotherapists and paramedics from all district hospitals of Kashmir. Our aim is also to sensitize the society in general and youngsters in particular about the importance of elders in our society,” Dr Mushtaq said.
In-charge Department of Geriatric Medicine, JLNM Hospital, Dr Zubair Saleem said that getting old is natural, however, the process of aging and course of illness is not similar.
“To make a difference between aging and illness, the normal inevitable aging process needs to be understood,” he said.
Dr Zubair said in view of the decline in the physiological functioning of various organ systems in the elderly, the drug interactions and drug dosage has to be used carefully among them.
He said the training workshop intends to give an overview of major physical and mental problems among the elderly.