One day Divisional level Orientation Workshop onPCPNDT Act organised at DHSJ


JAMMU: A Divisional level orientation workshop on Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex selection) Act, 1994 was today organised here in the conference hall of Directorate of Health Services Jammu.

The workshop was inaugurated by Director Health Services Jammu Dr Rakesh Magotra by Lighting ceremonial lamp alongside Deputy Director Schemes Dr. Poonam Sethi, Deputy Director Dentistry Dr. Sanjay Sharma, State Nodal Officer Dr. Harjeet Rai, State Malariologist Dr. D.J. Raina and in the presence of Deputy Director Planning Dr. Monika Upadhaya, STO Dr. Jyoti Jolly, CoS Dr. Ritesh Khullar, AD Schemes Dr. Ila Gupta, Dr. Kiran Kailu, DNO Dr. Jatinder Kour.

The workshop was organised by Nodal Officer PCPNDT/ AD HEB Dr. Simmi Verma and assisted by Shivali Gupta Law Officer from Directorate. The workshop was attended by Chief Medical Officers/District Representatives and their accompanying Officials from all Districts of Jammu Division and Officers from the Directorate. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Mridula Singh who also anchored the training programme.

DHS Dr. Rakesh Magotra, in his speech, advised the participants to overcome the challenges related to PCPNDT and take account of shortcomings.

The DHS directed all to adopt more proactive approach in implementing the Act and monitor all clinics in their respective districts and improve the sex ratio.

He hailed the efforts of Nodal Officer PC&PNDT for organizing the workshop.

The DD Schemes by highlighted the present status of sex ratio of all Districts of Jammu Division and elaborated the provisions of the Act.

Dr. Harjeet Rai, State Nodal Officer, advised all present in the workshop to focus on sex ratio of their respective districts. The training started with a small clip on women Empowerment.

The guest faculty, Assistant Law Officer, Health and Medical Education Department, Gulbadin highlighted on General Ideas/ Overviews of PC & PNDT which was very impressive and educating.

Assistant Law Remembrancer, Family Welfare Department Masroor Hassan spoke on Legal issues of PC& PNDT Act. Shivali Gupta Law Officer from this Directorate demystified regarding the PC&PNDT Act, Complaints, Court Trials and Procedural Issues which was well appreciated by all present. Another film clip on Saving the Girl Child was also screened.

An interactive session of queries and discussions with all participants was a major part of the workshop where all participated with enthusiasm. The workshop concluded with a Valedictory session where the participants were distributed Certificates and Mementoes. Vote of thanks was given by Divisional Nodal Officer PC&PNDT Dr. Simmi Verma.