Pakistan court to hear plea for security on Bhagat Singh’s anniversary event


LAHORE: A petition was filed in a Pakistani court here on Saturday seeking foolproof security for an event organised next week to observe the 93rd death anniversary of freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukh Dev.

The petition was filed in the Lahore High Court by the Bhagat Singh Memorial Foundation Pakistan.

It urged the court to direct the government to provide foolproof security and install walk-through gates for the event planned for March 23 at the Shadman Chowk here, to avoid any untoward incident.

The court is likely to take up the petition on Monday.

In his petition, foundation’s advocate Imtiaz Rasheed Qureshi said the Punjab government had not entertained his request for the provision of security at the event being organised at Shadman Chowk, where Bhagat Singh along with his two comrades were hanged 93 years ago.

Qureshi told the court about the threats he received in the past from extremist elements for “a session in the memory of Bhagat Singh”.