Mandeep Kaur reviews functioning of Urban Local Bodies of Kashmir


SRINAGAR: Commissioner Secretary, Housing and Urban Development Department, Mandeep Kaur, today had online review of functioning of Urban Local Bodies of Kashmir.

She assessed implementation of various key initiatives like development activities under Capex Budget, beautification of towns, human resource mobilization, revenue realization, sanitation and other urban development programs.

During the meeting, a comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation was screened highlighting an overview of functioning of the department. It was apprised that 665 projects of public importance like public parks, marriage halls, open air gyms, bus addas, slaughter houses, lanes and drains besides related works worth Rs.490.78 crore, spread across 40 towns of Kashmir, were taken up during the past four years.

While appreciating different development projects and other urban connect activities being carried out by all the 40 ULBs of Kashmir, the Commissioner Secretary emphasized the importance of city beautification especially sanitation of water bodies in all urban areas. She also directed the officers to ensure 100% D2D collection of waste in segregated form besides ensuring proper faecal sludge management which will improve overall sanitation scenario in urban areas. She also emphasized that listing of Bulk Waste Generators shall be done in all ULBs as per the norms set in the SWM Rules 2016.

She emphasized that online solutions to streamline administrative processes in these ULBs shall be implemented to ensure transparency and accountability. She asked the concerned officers to explore possibility of including more services being provided by the Urban Local Bodies under the ambit of online services.

Mandeep Kaur stressed the need to complete the process of GIS mapping of ULBs which will help all the departments within the urban areas to plan their developmental infrastructure for its better utility. This will also improve the financial health of ULBs, besides it will enable us to explore possibilities of Rural-Urban convergence for better governance, she added.

Mandeep Kaur also instructed the officers to complete the exercise of delimitation process within shortest possible time to enable proper planning of developmental activities among all the wards of ULBs.

Commissioner Secretary asked the officers to work with zeal and dedication to meet the challenges in urban development, sanitation and implementation of centrally sponsored schemes.

The meeting was attended by Director, Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir, Special Secretary H&UDD, Special Secretary/Mission Director SBM-U/PM-SVANidhi, H&UDD, Chief Engineer, J&K UEED, Director Finance H&UDD and Joint Director (P&S) H&UDD.