Man forced to lick spit, wear shoe garland over ‘harassment’ complaint in UP


LUCKNOW: A 75-year-old man was forced to wear a garland of shoes and lick his own spit at a village here, police said on Friday.

According to police, the incident took place on Thursday and came to light through a video that showed up on social media.

The victim was Mohabbat Ali, a resident of Tighara village, whose face was also blackened with ink, police said.

According to police sources, the incident took place after a man filed a complaint against Ali of touching his daughter inappropriately.

Police have arrested four people allegedly involved in Ali’s humiliation.

The accused have been identified as Zafar, Aman Pandey, Akhilesh Sahni and Ghanshyam Tiwari, Golhaura SHO Ajaynath Kannaujia said.

A case had been registered against them under charges of wrongful restraint, causing hurt, house-breaking, intentional insult and criminal intimidation, Kannaujia said.