DC Shopian chairs BLO’s and BLO supervisors meeting at Shopian


SHOPIAN: Keeping in view the ongoing Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, a training/orientation programme of  all BLO Supervisors and BLOs was held today at Mini Secretariat Shopian to enthuse and inspire the election machinery regarding the revision Process. 

The meeting was chaired by the District Election Officer/ Deputy Commissioner, Faz Lul Haseeb, who urged the participants to expedite the process of registrations with full efficiency and give 100% accuracy and coverage to the electorates during the revision period commencing from 27-10-2023 to 09-12-2023.

DEO further insisted to make the electoral process voter friendly and assist citizens at every stage for greater participation while addressing that the special camp dates should be made successful with good enrolment and making voters informed and empowered. 

DEO further insisted on to remove the gender gaps and to achieve the Electoral Population ratio as per the norms advised by the election authorities. 

BLO Supervisors were directed to monitor the whole process of Summary Revision with zeal and zest, and ensure that no voter to be left behind during the ongoing revision process.

Dy.DEO, Jahanger Ahmad, on the occasion explained about the process and methodologies to be adopted for 100% coverage by door to door visit of the households and gave a brief explanation about the forms viz Form 6, Form 7, Form 8 to be use during the revision process.

An interactive session was later held with BLO’s and BLO supervisors to clear their doubts regarding enrolment process and other relevant queries.