Director RDD Jammu conducts whirlwind tour of District Doda


Inspects assets, reviews implementation of schemes

DODA: To assess the ongoing developmental activities being conducted under different schemes of RDD, Director RDD Jammu Mohammad Mumtaz Ali conducted a two day visit to the rural areas of Doda District.

During the whirlwind tour of the district, he visited various panchayats of Blocks of Kastigarh, Dali Udhyanpur and Gundana wherein he inspected Amrit Sarovars, PMAY houses and other numerous assets which have been created under MGNREGA, SBM, Capex etc. Besides he also focused on the ODF Plus status of these blocks and assets created under SBM including CSCs, Community Compost Pits, Community Soakage pits, individual Soakage pits etc.

The Director instructed the field functionaries in these blocks to better their respective key indicators of various schemes especially in SBM and MGNREGA, besides directed to increase the timely payments, PD generation, Geotagging, Adhaar Seeding and Authentication etc.

While laying special focus on Swacchta, he directed the BDOs and other field functionaries of the RDD to sustain the cleanliness and other assets of SBM throughout the calendar on priority, besides directing the BDOs to keep monitoring the implementation of all the schemes in their blocks so that their aim and objectives shall be adhered in letter and spirit.

Meanwhile, the Director also held the review meeting of the field functionaries of Kahara and Thathri Block at Thathri, wherein he directed the field functionaries to better their performance for the common good of the people who are primarily dependent upon the RDD schemes.

Among the officers accompanying the Director during the visit were ACD, Phulail Singh, ACP, Mohammad Ashfaq Khanji, Ex En REW, besides concerned BDOs and PRIs.