DC Kupwara reviews status of works undertaken by LBDDA


KUPWARA: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan on Tuesday convened a joint meeting of officers of Lolab Bangus Drangyary Development Authority (LBDDA), Tourism, Forest, R&B, JJM and other concerned Departments at TP-Drangyari to review the status of developmental works undertaken by LBDDA.

CEO, LBDDA/ADC Kupwara, Gh.Nabi Bhat, while briefing about the Bangus, said that tourist footfall in district Kupwara has increased manifold after Bangus Festivals. It has enhanced the employment opportunities for the local youth who are coming forward for registration of Homestay and camping sites and various other allied activities.

Speaking on the occasion, Assistant Director Tourism, Javid Rehman said that the registration process has been simplified and this year only the Tourism Department has received 65 applications for registration under the category of Homestay.

DDC Reddi Chowkibal, Habibullah Baig while speaking on the occasion opined that administration should also consider developing wayside amenities for the tourists along the road stretch from Kralpora to TP Chowkibal.

DDC Rajwar, Suleman Mir on the occasion said that while moving forward with a short term plan for development of Bangus as an eco-Tourism destination, we should work-out simultaneously on a long term, holistic plan for which a committee of all the stakeholders needs to be constituted at an earliest.

DDC Mawar, Khurshid Ahmad opined that services of some reputed consultancies may be utilized for formulation of master plan of Bangus and other tourist destinations in the district so that vision for eco-Tourism is not compromised at any cost.

The DC also interacted with aspiring entrepreneurs present in the meeting and took their feedback regarding the problems faced by them for promotion of tourism in the district.

In her concluding remarks, DC stressed that participation of local youth is a basic requirement for sustainability of tourism activities in the district which will provide livelihood to the unemployed educated youth and also provide scope for building tourism destinations in the district.

Ayushi impressed upon all the stakeholders to extend their support in upgrading the eco-friendly tourism infrastructure.

She said that Forest, Tourism and other concerned departments have to work in tandem so that basic infrastructure could be created in Bangus to tap its potential.

The DC directed CEO LBDDA to form a committee for chalking out a mechanism for SOPs formulation for technical examination of various projects that need to be initiated in connection with development of Bangus. She also impressed upon CEO, LBDDA to identify land for camping sites and place indent with Forest Department for transfer of land.

She said that cleanliness and Sanitation is the first mandate of eco-Tourism and the local community should come forward for the cleanliness of Bangus and other tourist destinations. She directed LBDDA and Forest Department to formulate a sanitation plan for all the tourist places in the district and impressed upon all the agencies associated with development of tourism in the district to stick to the time-line strictly.

SSP Kupwara, Yougal Manhas; SP Handwara, Sheema Nabi Qasba; ADC Handwara, Nazir Ahmad Mir; JD Planning, Abdul Majeed; DIO Kupwara; AO to DC; Ex. Engineer LBDDA, DFO Kehmil, DFO Langate, concerned PRIs, and other stakeholders were present in the meeting.