DLTFC Doda approves 33 JKREGP cases for employment generation


DODA: The District Level Task Force Committee (DLTFC) Doda for employment generation and financial handholding of the desirous and eligible beneficiaries approved 33 cases under Jammu & Kashmir Rural Employment Generation Programme (JKREGP) at its meeting chaired by District Development Commissioner (DDC), Vishesh Mahajan.  

The approved candidates shall be provided subsidised loans for setting up their own income generating units.

At the outset, 34 cases were submitted before the District Level Task Force Committee for consideration of financial assistance from different banks to unemployed youth of Doda for setting up of income generating units including manufacturing and establishment of small units of Dairy, Sheep, Poultry, Grocery Stores, Readymade Garments, Cutting and Tailoring, Bakery, Automobile etc.

The committee screened and scrutinized all the cases and approved 33 out of 34 cases for credit linkage through financial institutions after thorough analysis of physical and financial viability of proposed projects and the entrepreneurial skills of the applicants. The units are expected to generate employment opportunities for over a large number of youth in the district.

The DC Doda stressed on the line departments to ensure early disbursement of the loan to the candidates approved and bring maximum number of unemployed   youth under the ambit of Government schemes. Bankers were asked to ensure speedy disposal of these cases so that the aspiring unemployed youths are in a position to establish their income generating units without any difficulty.