DG Industries & Commerce inaugurates one month exhibition cum sale at Jammu Haat


Trade Fair held to provide platform to local manufacturers, artisans, craftsmen

JAMMU: A one month Exhibition-cum-Sale was today inaugurated by Director General Industries & Commerce, Anu Malhotra, here in the Jammu Haat, Exhibition Ground. Managing  Director, SIDCO, SICOP, Inderjeet; Director Handicraft Department, Vikas Gupta and General Manager, District Industries Centre, Virender Kumar Manyal were also present at the inaugural function.

In her address, the Director General Industries & Commerce said that the main aim of such exhibitions was to provide a platform to the local manufacturers, artisans, craftsmen and service providers to promote and sell their products. She further elaborated that such exhibitions are being conducted by the department on regular intervals to promote local production under one roof.

The main attractions of the exhibition were the different products manufactured by PMEGP units, Entrepreneurs, weavers, artisans associated with Handlooms, Handicrafts and Industries and Commerce Department, stalls of Horticulture, Information department and Department of Archives, besides a scintillating cultural and folk music presentation by the artists of Information Department and local artists.

Taking the round of the stalls, the Director General was apprised about the success stories of the entrepreneurs who availed the benefits of the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme [PMEGP] and Women Entrepreneurs financed through the Industries & Commerce Department.

Such entrepreneurs are inspiring other youth to become entrepreneurs and concentrate on becoming ‘Job Provider’ instead of ‘Job Seeker’ for which the interested candidates shall also be extended financial assistance under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme [PMEGP].