G-20 Summit: JKEDI, Startup India set to organize Workshop for Women entrepreneurs of J&K


SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) in collaboration with Startup India, a Government of India initiative to build a strong ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation, will organize a two-day workshop for women entrepreneurs of J&K on 19th and 20th May2023.

Director JKEDI, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat today chaired a preparatory meeting in this regard. 

Senior faculty members and officers of the Institute participated in the meeting. The workshop will include focused sessions on the startup ecosystem, experience sharing, capacity building and mock pitching sessions. In addition, participants will also get access to a pre-workshop virtual pitching training session. 

The UT Government and the Union Government have undertaken significant steps towards inclusion of women led initiatives for a balanced growth. India has rightly called for the inclusion of gender concerns into the core agenda of the G20 during its Presidency, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi noting that “we have to maintain priority on women-led development even in our G-20 agenda”.

The two-day workshop is a part of a series of events to be held across the country to aid and provide a platform to women entrepreneurs. The workshop will help to organize resources and augment the strength of women participants to help them to reach their full potential. Such events and workshops act as an enabling factor for the social and economic advancement of women and society at large.

The workshop is open for aspiring women entrepreneurs and those startups that are recognized with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) with at least one female founder. Interested candidates may contact Imtiyaz Ahad, Associate Project Manager, JKEDI on 8825014846 and 01933-222267. Email: [email protected]. – [email protected]