70th All India Cooperative Week celebrated at Shopian


SHOPIAN: On the eve of 70th All India Cooperative Week, the Department of Cooperatives, District Shopian, today organized a function to highlight the achievements of the cooperative sector in the district and to generate awareness among the general public.

Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC), Shopian, Dr. Nasir Ahmed Lone was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

Addressing the function, ADDC impressed upon the concerned officers to provide mass awareness to the people about the schemes of the Cooperative department so that they could get benefitted properly.

He called for proper coverage of success stories of the department so that unemployed youth in particular will be encouraged to earn their livelihood through different avenues provided by the department.

The ADDC highlighted the role of Cooperative Societies in the socio-economic upliftment of the people and emphasized the need for formation of new Cooperatives in different fields while impressing upon stakeholders to work hard for making cooperative societies more active and generate maximum avenues for the employment of youth.

ADDC also inspected the stalls installed by various line departments.

Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies, Shopian, Muzaffar Ahmed highlighted the achievements of Cooperative Societies in the district. He provided detailed awareness regarding various schemes of the Cooperative department in the district.

Special emphasis was given to persuade the educated youth, women and people from weaker sections to join the cooperatives for earning their livelihood in multiple diversified sectors.

Certificates and mementos were also distributed among best performing cooperatives.

Among others, Chief Agriculture Officer, District Sheep Husbandry Officer, AD Fisheries, Assistant Registrars Cooperative Societies of district Shopian, District Manager NRLM, District Manager CSC, in addition representatives from Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Health, Drug Controller and other departments were also present besides members of cooperative societies and general public.