2-day national seminar on ‘Environmental Ethics’ begins at KU


Srinagar: A two-day national seminar on ‘Environmental Ethics: A Religious Perspective’ started at the University of Kashmir on Tuesday.

Vice-Chancellor Prof Talat Ahmad inaugurated the national-level seminar, organised by Shah Hamdan Institute of Islamic Studies (SHIIS).

In his presidential address, Prof Talat referred to the new National Educational Policy-2020 and said that academic events like the present seminar have contemporary relevance where different branches of learning, including science, social sciences and humanities have to work together on a single platform to address the burning issues which are common to all, particularly the environmental crisis. Prof Talat said it has been due to abnormal exploitation of natural resources by humans that the humanity is suffering from climatic disasters like floods and pollution.

Prof G N Khaki, Head of the Department and Seminar Director welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the theme of the seminar. 

Prof Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Vice-Chancellor Islamic University of Science and Technology, was the chief guest on the occasion and delivered the keynote address. 

Prof Romshoo spoke on the climate change and the disaster it has created around the globe, even as he stressed on the need to create mass awareness to preserve natural resources. He made a special reference to the Himalayan glaciers.

Prof Mehrajuddin Mir,  former Vice-Chancellor Central University of Kashmir, was the Guest of Honour on the occasion who spoke about religious teachings which should be used by religious preachers of adherents of different faiths in mobilising people to make a harmony between humans and nature. 

Prof Siddiq Wahid, founder Vice-Chancellor Islamic University of Science and Technology, who was also a guest of honour talked about how humans are moving towards greed than humanity. While referring to the Vedas, he mentioned that it is the duty of humans towards mother nature to preserve it and that all religions lead to the harmony with nature. 

Prof Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, former Head SHIIS gave a report of the Department’s activities in the last three years, including during the Covid lockdown period.

Dr Nasir Nabi, Coordinator of the seminar conducted proceedings of the inaugural session and also proposed a formal vote of thanks.